Muslim Teacher Training Institute (MTTI)

Haj Ali Bader Yaakub
Principal, Muslim Teacher Training Institute (MTTI)
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Alsalam Alaykum Wa Rahamatu lahu Wa Barakatu.
Muslim Teachers and Training Institute (MTTI) was moved from Accra to Kumasi with the intention of restructuring the academic system from two years to three years and the increased demand. I am delighted to inform you that we have already initiated to acquire the accreditation from the appropriate authorities.
Most students who have academically passed through MTTI have successfully enrolled in various universities to pursue higher education and are doing exceptionally well. Some of them have obtained their master’s degrees and few their doctorate. A great number of these students have returned to their various countries and communities as prominent scholars, serving in numerous spheres of life.
It is worth mentioning that MTTI is in the forefront in providing community services whenever the need arises. These services include eradicating illiteracy, in an attempt to improve on the community and environment surrounding the Institute.
It is our passionate plan to turn MTTI into a magnificent hallmark in peoples’ lives in Ghana and neighboring countries. We look forward to adding a technical institute to offer vocational and professional studies that will satisfy the modern needs of scholars.
The graduates of the technical institute will be beneficial to themselves and the community.
It is our prayer that Allah bless and guide us in all our endeavors to a successful end.
Haj Ali Bader Yaakoub

Muslim Teacher Training Institute (MTTI) Overview
The Muslim Teacher Training Institute (MTTI) was founded in 1999 in order to fulfill the need in the West African sub region for a specialized Muslim teacher training institute. The graduates are not only qualified teachers but preachers (Duaat). The aim is to preserve the identity of the Muslims and to raise the awareness of the youth with the true teaching and understanding of Islam.
The three year educational programme of MTTI accommodates students from Ghana and other West African countries. In addition it provides for their education, boarding, daily expenses and transportation to and from their respective countries. MTTI instructors highly qualified, they hold PhD’s or Master Degrees in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies.
The Muslim Teacher Training Institute at Kumasi is the first of its kind in West Africa and it is now being used as a pilot scheme for other countries (such as Benin and Guinea).
- Memorizing (Tahfiz), reciting (Tilawa) and explaining (Tafsir) of the Holy Quran
- To instill the Islamic belief and to educate in precise worship
- To deliver a new generation of teachers, qualified, educated and religious
- Raising the level of Arabic schools and Islamic preaching
- To create awareness about corrupt movements and lost groups
- To be mindful of the negative campaigns against the Islamic belief
- 175 graduates have completely memorized the Quran
- 128 graduates have been admitted to universities in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and Niger
- All graduates memorize at least 15 chapters of the Holy Quran
- Students are from Ghana, Co?te d’Ivoire, Niger, Burkina Faso, Togo and Benin
- Graduates obtain excellent grades and attained the first and second positions in the Shariaa and Arabic Language Departments of the Madina Mounawara Islamic University, in Saudi Arabia
- Graduates reached advanced positions, when they represented Ghana in the international competition in Quran recitation and translation with competitors from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar and United Arab Emirates.
- Recommendations from ambassadors, diplomats and Islamic VIPs have been received, acknowledging the institute’s tremendous achievements