College of Holy Quran & Islamic Studies (CQIS)

Dr Ahmad Omar
Dean, College of Holy Quran & Islamic Studies (CQIS)
The College of the Holy Quran & Islamic Studies (CQIS) is the first of its kind in West Africa that is specialized for reciting the Quran in different manners (Kiraat) as well as in understanding its meaning (Tafseer).
CQIS is located in Madina, a suburb of Greater Accra. The facilities include:
- Four Lecture Halls
- Administrative Offices
- Teacher’s residence
- Activity halls
The educational program at CQIS consists of four years of boarding school. It adopts the Curriculum of International University of Africa – Sudan. It accommodates 200 students with 50 students per year from Ghana and West African countries. Successful graduates will be awarded BA degree from International University of Africa-Sudan.
Their education, accommodation, board, daily expenses, and transportation to and from their respective countries are provided by the Society. CQIS graduated the third batch of its students this year. The cost per student 2017/2018 academic year stands of $2,000.
Dr Ahmad Omar

Admission Requirements
- Baccalaureate (Secondary certificate or its equivalent)
- Must have memorized at least ten chapters of the Quran
- Must pass the entrance examination.
- Preserving Allah’s Book (the Quran)
- Graduate qualified Imams to carry on the message of Islam
- To admit graduated students from (Shariaa Islamic Law Institutes) with the aim
of improving their Islamic knowledge. - To encourage the students to live by the Quran in their daily lives and to
actively propagate the precise teaching of Islam in Ghana and West Africa.

- Canteens
- School store
- Swimming pool
- Basketball and volleyball courts
- Full gymnasium
- Football pitch
- School clinic