Brief History

International Childrens Day Celebration – MIS visits ARIS
Ghana Islamic Society for Education and Reformation is an Islamic Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 1985 by a group of Lebanese and Ghanaian Muslim philanthropists. GISER is registered with the Ministry of Social Welfare, registration No. is 26711.
The GISER came to be when dedicated Muslim brothers at their usual prayer centre felt the need to collectively contribute to improve the quality of life and development of Muslims in the society.
Meetings on Fridays at the founders’ residence were held to embrace and support this idea. Due to the poor practice of Islam in Ghana, education and reformation were found to be the key solutions that Ghanaian Muslims needed most; therefore, the name of “Ghana Islamic Society for Education & Reformation” was selected for the Society.
The Constitution was written for the newborn Society and the first Executive Committee was formed. The pioneers of GISER: Haj Samih Kabbara, Haj Jalal Kalmoni and Imam Shouaib Abu Baker initiated the first move that has led to the milestone achievement that GISER can boast of today.