30 Chances of Iftar Sofras for the Students of College of Islamic Studies: Break Bread with the Future Imams of Africa

College of Islamic Students – Madina Accra

The Ghana Islamic Society for Education and Reformation is pleased to announce the maiden launch and opportunity to well-wishers, philanthropists and the corporate bodies to donate to covering one out of 30 days of iftar this Ramadan 2022 season. The donor has the opportunity to join during their iftar chosen day and break bread with the future imams and scholars.

The offer is limited to the 30 days of Ramadan and the opportunity to cover the cost of one Ramadan day out of 30 Iftar (breaking fast) days at the College of Islamic Studies. The Society is working and contracting with iftar meal providers and approved catering companies to prepare meals and for sofras to be offered at the College of Islamic Studies. There are 30 days in the month and limited to one day per donor.



If you are a decision-maker in the corporate world and are able to help please contact community@giser.org.gh or if you or your company are in a position to give financial support to enable the Society to purchase supplies of food please give directly by donating at Give.Giser.Org.Gh.

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